Renew Digital Learning Hub

Renew Digital Staff Spotlight: Elise Sweet

Written by Team Renew | May 25, 2022



Hi there, my name is Elise and I am a Team Lead of Equipment Acquisition here at Renew Digital, and I'll tell you a little bit about myself today.

Who is Elise?

I am one of the Project Coordinators on the Removals Department. I am Team Lead among my peers. We basically do all the logistics behind filling our company's inventory. We do equipment removals, travel coordination, and all the communication with, of course, you our offices.

Now, who is the real, outside-the-dental-world Elise?

I am a history buff, an animal lover, and an enthusiastic professional car karaoke enthusiast. So, if you've ever stopped or pulled up next to me at a red light, you're welcome.

How did you land at Renew Digital?

So, Renew Digital actually found me. One of the recruiters actually located my resume on the big wide web, and when I got pulled in for an interview, I realized that my manager to be was actually a person I had met back my freshman year in college.

What would people be surprised to learn about you?

So, I am the traditional band geek back in high school. I took three different courses. I played flute originally, that was my main instrument. And I was in our symphonic band, with that. I was also a tuba player for concert two course with the young'uns. And I also played baritone for marching band my final two years. It was exciting let me tell you.

What is your favorite thing about working for Renew Digital?

My favorite thing about working with Renew is definitely the independence and support that they give us as employees to work on our projects. It's really good to know that they trust me and my skill sets to accomplish any projects they assign, and meet their expectations, and likely exceed them.

A quote you live by?

"Find out who you are, and do it on purpose" with Dolly Parton, of course. "You only get to be yourself once in this life so you might as well do it earnestly."

How would your co-workers describe you?

Through the grapevine, I've heard people say that I am incredibly helpful, I have a positive attitude and, fingers crossed, that has not changed.

Dogs or Cats?

So, my husband and I have six total. We have three dogs and three cats. Between you and me, I grew up a cat person, but he introduced me to the love of dogs. And yes all eight of us do sleep in the same bed.

If you were not working at Renew, what would you be doing?

I was a history major in college, so I'd probably be in the museum field somewhere. I did a lot of things with archival duties and curatorial things, so i'd probably be doing something with that.

Final thoughts?

Well thanks for listening and taking the time out of your day. And treat yourself if you haven't already, you probably deserve it.

If we can help you with anything feel free to give us a call at (888) 246-5611 or contact us online. Thanks!